Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Vernon God Little by DBC Pierre - book review

Having just spent the last week or so reading the Booker Prize winner of 2003 all I can say is don't bother. This copy was given to me by a friend, well I thought she was a friend.
The story revolves around Texan teenager Vernon and his ensuing mishaps, which find him eventually on death row. A somewhat ridiculous tale with an even more ridiculous ending. It is written in first person style but you are meant to think that the first person is not too clever, this in itself is totally contradictory. The whole book just makes you want to throw it away and I can imagine most readers that picked it up did not even finish it. I am not sure how I managed, it was just the thought that the judges were on to something, but no, I think they were all sleeping that day. I think it's quality shows by the lack of recent works by the same author DBC Pierre. (DBC, what's that all about?)

Apologies now to whoever picks up my copy from the charity shop.

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