Monday, November 26, 2007

November 18 Circo Mamma Mia

This great little show is travelling the island over the next few months and is worth a visit by both children and adults. We managed to catch it in the municipal theatre of Muro.
A show, that rather than move into the realms of cirque nouveau, sticks with the traditional circus theme. From the very beginning this team make you feel welcome with a free cup of cider whilst guiding you through to your seats.
They only have one animal, the family pet poodle performing, which is good to see, plus if they had anymore it might get a bit messy on the stage. Here you will find the acts you would expect to find in the circus of 20 or 30 years ago and it is great to see. The clowns, the lassoo show, the strongman, acrobats and a magician all with a good amount of humour. This is a hard working troupe who will cheer you up, bring back memories for some of you, and create some nice new ones for those of you that are too young.
Keep an eye out in digame over the next few months or check the website, to see when they are performing near you.

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