Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Farruquito - July 24

After a 3 year absence the highly anticipated return of 26 year old Juan Manuel Fernandez Montoya - Farruquito - was as good as expected. This was the premiere of his new spectacular Puro, with a stage full of performers this promised to be a Flamenco show to top anything else seen on Mallorca. It did not disappoint!
7 singers, 3 guitars, a violin, a piano & percussion were all there to back up this amazing talent. The only way to describe him is as the Michael Jackson of the Flamenco world. His movement was precise, extremely energetic and totally exhilarating. He does not appear to have lost any of his style during his enforced absence, neither has he lost any of his looks judging by the ladies reactions in the audience.
All in all a fantastic show full of good music and dancing which would grace any theatre in the world as a showcase for the best of Spain and Flamenco.

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