Every now and again you get to hear or see something that makes you sit up and say that was something special. Having seen a lot of bands over the last 5 years of varying standard, last night was one of those
SIT UP nights. Listening to the (web based) music of The Wave Pictures over the past few weeks and having read various reviews, it was obvious that this band was good. What was not obvious was just how good.
The Wave Pictures are David Tattersall (guitar), Franic Rozycki (bass) and Jonny ''Huddersfield'' Helm (drums). A tight threesome that have not lost their way yet. Three guys that obviously know each other well and enjoy each others company and enjoy playing good music. Music that not only can you hear but also understand, wonderful lyrics that tell of life and its actions so well, but accompanied by such great tunes you just can't get them out of your head. (all I can see today is a marmalade sculpture, not marmalade but a sculpture.)
Back to the concert; last night I saw and heard something that I have not seen in a long while, probably never seen in Spain, an audience shut up. One thing you get used to at concerts, be they good or bad, is the constant chatter from somewhere at the back, usually a bunch of guys who have not seen each other for at least 5 minutes and will be rushing off at the end of the concert, unable to stop and chat so they must have a conversation (at the top of their voices) in the middle of said concert. But. No. Something happened. These 3 guys walked away from their microphones, stood in the middle of the stage and actually performed
a cappela. A beautiful song performed so well that even
BIG JUAN at the back shut his mouth for 3 or 4 minutes, it was spellbinding but sadly didn't last. But, hey, these young lads from England have done better than many a more professional artist to get them to shut up for one track.
The whole concert was performed with such confidence that you forgot how young this band is, a band, I feel, that must be on the edge of great things.
If you had to pigeon hole them how about a band with songs as well written as The Smiths but instead of depressing, the lyrics are uplifting and instead of a monotone drawl (sorry Morrisey) a lead in David who can carry a tune well. Maybe somewhere between The Smiths and The Enemy, great music that can get a crowd going but great lyrics that can get you thinking and smiling. It is also worth noting that he is pretty good on guitar having got down to 4 strings by the end and still playing a mean tune.
This is a band that have to do some of the big summer venues as I can just see a few thousand bouncing along to the great music that these guys put together. Hope to see them again soon but probably, knowing Mallorca, it is unlikely to be here.