When searching these places out you have to be willing to take a bit of a chance and dive straight in and probably 6 out of 10 times you will be happy with your choice. Out of the other 4 it generally works out to 2 that are passable when you are there and passable the next time you are looking for lunch and the final 2 you just wish you could get out of. But that's the fun of menu del dia.
Yesterdays was in the top 6 categoray, nothing to write home about but good honest fare at 8.50€ and one that you would try again. The fish soup was very tasty, the chuleta was a good size and the chips home made and OK along with a little side salad, and the home made natillas tasted as it should even if it was a bit lumpy. Served with fresh bread, nice olives, wine and gaseosa it was a satisfying lunch after a morning of running around, all in all good value at 9.50€ including a coffee. I am not sure if this was a good day here or a normal one, but based on my lunch it is a recommended stop and you can find it just down the second left as you come in to the Port from Palma.
You can find more menu del dias at http://www.digamemallorca.com/food.html or let me know about your good and bad ones.
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